How to Get a Raise | SebastianMarshall.com: Strategy, Philosophy, Self-Discipline, Science. Victory.you probably have to leave jobs to capture your (rising) value
publicly commit to the product, offer backwards compatibility, exploit niches in the market, provide standalone value, influence firms producing complementary products
I’m just going to come out and say it: the Khan Academy is the best thing that has happened to education since Socrates.
they don't actually have a lot of different words for snow
to read
really interesting, lots of cool problem solving examples, even if you're not a gamer/non tech
Interesting article
And to all the education pundits who've never spent a day teaching in a school like mine and like to argue that spending more money on education shouldn't be part of the answer, you can go fuck yourselves.
Liked what you read? I am available for hire.
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