retirement planners ask two questions but people don't know how to answer them rationally (evaluate your risk tolerance and evaluate how much money you want in retirement)
tell cops/FBI you are not going to discuss anything without consulting your attorney, then shut up. don't even say you have nothing to hide, don't respond to provocation.
most of these are in my backpack now
about sales. book review of "spin selling" by neil rackham. pushing the big ticket items all the time doesn't work, go for small sales (aggressive closing puts stress on the buyer that they ease by not talking to you, if the dollar amount is high enough) - anyway, the book's on my amazon wish list now.
5 subtle ways you’re using MySQL as a queue, and why it’ll bite you | Engine Yard Ruby on Rails Blogthis would've really helped with an interview question from a few weeks ago... you do not want to use mysql for your queues. put your queues in a different table, don't lock your queue tables, and don't have your workers poll for new jobs.
get plastic surgery, start looking for a husband early, homeschool, don't get divorced
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