Recently I had a very weird problem with iTerm where new login shells were being created with environment variables already present. Restarting my machine made the issue go away, and I wasn't able to reproduce it again.
But I got curious about how long ZSH spends in various parts of the startup
process. A new /bin/bash
login shell loads instantaneously and I was
wondering why my ZSH startup was so slow, and if there was anything I could do
to make it faster. My goal was to get to a command prompt in under 100
What files run when you start a ZSH login shell?
In order, your machine will load/execute the following files when ZSH starts:
On my machine only /etc/zshenv
(which adds paths in /etc/paths*
to the
$PATH variable) and ~/.zshrc
actually existed, which simplified the problem
I used the following two scripts to check execution time. First, this snippet
logged the execution time of every command run by my startup script in
PROFILE_STARTUP=false if [[ "$PROFILE_STARTUP" == true ]]; then # PS4=$'%D{%M%S%.} %N:%i> ' exec 3>&2 2>$HOME/tmp/startlog.$$ setopt xtrace prompt_subst fi # Entirety of my startup file... then if [[ "$PROFILE_STARTUP" == true ]]; then unsetopt xtrace exec 2>&3 3>&- fi
Essentially this prints the command that zsh is running before you run it. The PS4 variable controls the output of this print statement, and allows us to insert a timestamp each time we run it.
I then wrote a short python script to print all lines above a certain threshold. This is okay, but can show a lot of detail and won't show you if one line in your .zshrc is causing thousands of lines of execution, which take a lot of time in total.
At first I used the GNU date
program in the PS4 prompt to get millisecond
information about the time, however this program consistently used 3
milliseconds to run, so it got costly to run it thousands of times during
system profiling.
The first thing you find is that shelling out is very expensive, especially
to high-level languages. Running something like brew --prefix
takes 50
milliseconds which is half of the budget. I found that Autojump's shell loader
ran brew --prefix
twice so I submitted this pull request to cache the
output of that and run it again.
Another timing method
Ultimately what I want is to time specific lines/blocks of my zshrc, instead of
get profiling information for specific lines. I did this by wrapping them in
commands, like this:
{ time ( # linux (( $+commands[gvim] )) && { alias vi=gvim; alias svi='sudo gvim' } # set up macvim, if it exists (( $+commands[mvim] )) && { alias vi=mvim; alias svi='sudo mvim' } ) }
This will time commands in a sub-shell, which means that any environment variables set in the sub-shell won't be set in the environment. However the purpose is to get timing information and it's good enough for that.
Lazy loading
By far the worst offenders were the various "Add this to your .zshrc" scripts that I had added in the past - virtualenvwrapper, travis, git-completion, autojump, pyenv, and more. I wanted to see if there was a way to load these only when I needed them (I don't, frequently). Turns out there is! Most of these set functions in zsh, so I can shadow them with my own functions in a zshrc. Once the file with the actual function definition is sourced, it'll replace the shim and I'll be fine. Here's an example for autojump:
function j() { (( $+commands[brew] )) && { local pfx=$(brew --prefix) [[ -f "$pfx/etc/" ]] && . "$pfx/etc/" j "$@" } }
Or for pyenv:
pyenv() { eval "$( command pyenv init - )" pyenv "$@" }
Essentially on the first invocation, these functions source the actual definition and then immediately call it with the arguments passed in.
Ultimately I was able to shave my zsh startup time from 670 milliseconds to about 390 milliseconds and I have ideas on how to shave it further (rewriting my weirdfortune program in Go for example, to avoid the Python/PyPy startup cost). You can probably get similar gains from examining your own zshrc.
Liked what you read? I am available for hire.
In case anyone is wondering why the timestamps do not work with your zsh:
prompt expansion was introduced in zsh 5.0.6 (released last August).Lazy loading makes so much sense now that I think of it that it seems crazy that everything doesn’t do this automatically.
Just wanted to add that if the command you want to load lazily doesn’t replace the function (for example if it adds an alias instead) then you can easily just add “unset -f yourfunctionname” at the top of the function.
Pingback: Profiling zsh shell scripts | Xebia Blog
Thanks for your article! It pointed me towards %D{%6.} which was very useful for getting a detailed trace.
This inspired me to write a tool to convert the log to callgrind format, allowing some nice visualizations (assuming there’s not too much parallelism going on).
You can find the script at and some more about it on .
zsh user can use `try` block to handle this
{ . $(brew –prefix)/etc/profile.d/ } || # error handling
I’ve had exactly the same problem – the “add this to your .zshrc” scripts.
I built a tool called “sandboxd” to automate the lazy-loading process, hopefully it might help somebody here.