Posts Tagged With: Code

Weird Tricks to Write Faster, More Correct Database Queries

Adrian Colyer wrote a great summary of a recent paper by Peter Bailis et al. In the paper the database researchers examine open source Rails applications and observe that the applications apply constraints - foreign key references, uniqueness constraints - in a way that's not very performant or correct.

I was pretty surprised to read about this! For the most part we have avoided problems like this at Shyp, and I didn't realize how widespread this problem is; I certainly have written a lot of bad queries in the past.

So! Let's learn some tips for writing better queries. Everything below will help you write an application that is more correct - it will avoid consistency problems in your data - and more performant - you should be able to achieve the same results as Rails, with fewer queries!

ps - The info below may be really obvious to you! Great! There are a lot of people who aren't familiar with these techniques, as the paper above indicates.

Use database constraints to enforce business logic

Say you define an ActiveRecord class that looks like this:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :email, uniqueness: true

What actually happens when you try to create a new user? It turns out Rails will make 4 (four!) roundtrips to the database.

  1. BEGIN a transaction.

  2. Perform a SELECT to see if any other users have that email address.

  3. If the SELECT turns up zero rows, perform an INSERT to add the row.

  4. Finally, COMMIT the result.

This is pretty slow! It also increases the load on your application and your database, since you need to make 4 requests for every INSERT. Bailis et al also show that with your database's default transaction isolation level, it's possible to insert two records with the same key. Furthermore, there are some ActiveRecord queries which skip the built-in validations, as Gary Bernhardt discussed in his video, "Where Correctness Is Enforced", way back in 2012. Any query which inserts data and skips the validations can compromise the integrity of your database.

What if I told you you can do the same insert in one query instead of four, and it would be more correct than the Rails version? Instead of Rails's migration, write this:


The UNIQUE is the key bit there; it adds a unique key on the table. Then, instead of wrapping the query in a transaction, just try an INSERT.

> insert into users (email) values ('');
> insert into users (email) values ('');
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "users_email_key"
DETAIL:  Key (email)=( already exists.

You'll probably need to add better error handling around the failure case - at least we did, for the ORM we use. But at any level of query volume, or if speed counts (and it probably does), it's worth it to investigate this.

Just Try the Write

Say you wanted to read a file. You could write this:

if not os.path.isfile(filename):
    raise ValueError("File does not exist")
with open(filename, 'r') as f:

But that would still be vulnerable to a race! What if the OS or another thread deleted the file between the isfile check and the with open line - the latter would throw an IOError, which won't be handled. Far better to just try to read the file and handle errors appropriately.

    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
except IOError:
    raise ValueError("File does not exist")

Say you have a foreign key reference - phone_numbers.user_id refers to, and you want to validate that the user_id is valid. You could do:

def write_phone_number(number, user_id):
    user = Users.find_by_id(user_id)
    if user is None:
        raise NotFoundError("User not found")
    Number.create(number=number, user_id=user_id)

Just try to write the number! If you have a foreign key constraint in the database, and the user doesn't exist, the database will tell you so. Otherwise you have a race between the time you fetch the user and the time you create the number.

def write_phone_number(number, user_id):
        Number.create(number=number, user_id=user_id)
    except DatabaseError as e:
        if is_foreign_key_error(e):
            raise NotFoundError("Don't know that user id")

Updates Should Compose

Let's say you have the following code to charge a user's account.

def charge_customer(account_id, amount=20):
    account = Accounts.get_by_id(account_id)
    account.balance = account.balance - 20
    if account.balance <= 0:
        throw new ValueError("Negative account balance")

Under the hood, here's what that will generate:

SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = ?
UPDATE accounts SET balance = 30 WHERE id = ?;

So far, so good. But what happens if two requests come in to charge the account at the same time? Say the account balance is $100

  1. Thread 1 wants to charge $30. It reads the account balance at $100.

  2. Thread 2 wants to charge $15. It reads the account balance at $100.

  3. Thread 1 subtracts $30 from $100 and gets a new balance of $70.

  4. Thread 2 subtracts $15 from $100 and gets a new balance of $85.

  5. Thread 1 attempts to UPDATE the balance to $70.

  6. Thread 2 attempts to UPDATE the balance to $85.

This is clearly wrong! The balance after $45 of charges should be $55, but it was $70, or $85, depending on which UPDATE went last. There are a few ways to deal with this:

  • create some kind of locking service to lock the row before the read and after you write the balance. The other thread will wait for the lock before it reads/writes the balance. These are hard to get right and will carry a latency penalty.

  • Run the update in a transaction; this will create an implicit lock on the row. If the transaction runs at the SERIALIZABLE or REPEATABLE READ levels, this is safe. Note most databases will set the default transaction level to READ COMMITTED, which won't protect against the issue referenced above.

  • Skip the SELECT and write a single UPDATE query that looks like this:
    UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 20 WHERE id = ?;

That last UPDATE is composable. You can run a million balance updates in any order, and the end balance will be exactly the same, every time. Plus you don't need a transaction or a locking service; it's exactly one write (and faster than the .save() version above!)

But if I do just one UPDATE, I can't check whether the balance will go below zero! You can - you just need to enforce the nonnegative constraint in the database, not the application.

CREATE TABLE accounts (
    id integer primary key,
    balance integer CHECK (balance >= 0),

That will throw any time you try to write a negative balance, and you can handle the write failure in the application layer.

Update: Apparently MySQL accepts check constraints as valid syntax, but does not execute them, so you might need to take a different approach. Thanks olivier for pointing this out!

The key point is that your updates should be able to run in any order without breaking the application. Use relative ranges - balance = balance - 20 for example - if you can. Or, only apply the UPDATE if the previous state of the database is acceptable, via a WHERE clause. The latter technique is very useful for state machines:

UPDATE pickups SET status='submitted' WHERE status='draft' AND id=?;

That update will either succeed (if the pickup was in draft), or return zero rows. If you have a million threads try that update at the same time, only one will succeed - an incredibly valuable property!

Beware of save()

The save() function in an ORM is really unfortunate for two reasons. First, to call .save(), you have to retrieve an instance of the object via a SELECT call. If you have an object's ID and some fields to read, you can avoid needing to do the read by just trying the UPDATE. This introduces more latency and the possibility of writing stale data.

Second, some implementations of .save() will issue an UPDATE and update every column.

This can lead to updates getting clobbered. Say two requests come in, one to update a user's phone number, and the other to update a user's email address, and both call .save() on the record.

UPDATE users SET email='', phone_number='newnumber' WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE users SET email='', phone_number='oldnumber' WHERE id = 1;

In this scenario the first UPDATE gets clobbered, and the old email gets persisted. This is really bad! We told the first thread that we updated the email address, and then we overwrote it. Your users and your customer service team will get really mad, and this will be really hard to reproduce. Be wary of .save - if correctness is important (and it should be!), use an UPDATE with only the column that you want.

Partial Indexes

If you thought the previous section was interesting, check this out. Say we have a pickups table. Each pickup has a driver ID and a status (DRAFT, ASSIGNED, QUEUED, etc).

CREATE TABLE pickups (
    id integer,
    driver_id INTEGER REFERENCES drivers(id),
    status TEXT

We want to enforce a rule that a given driver can only have one ASSIGNED pickup at a time. You can do this in the application by using transactions and writing very, very careful code... or you can ask Postgres to do it for you:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "only_one_assigned_driver" ON pickups(driver_id) WHERE
    status = 'ASSIGNED';

Now watch what happens if you attempt to violate that constraint:

> INSERT INTO pickups (id, driver_id, status) VALUES (1, 101, 'ASSIGNED');
> INSERT INTO pickups (id, driver_id, status) VALUES (2, 101, 'DRAFT');
INSERT 0 1 -- OK, because it's draft; doesn't hit the index.
> INSERT INTO pickups (id, driver_id, status) VALUES (3, 101, 'ASSIGNED');
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "only_one_assigned_driver"
DETAIL:  Key (driver_id)=(101) already exists.

We got a duplicate key error when we tried to insert a second ASSIGNED record! Because you can trust the database to not ever screw this up, you have more flexibility in your application code. Certainly you don't have to be as careful to preserve the correctness of the system, since it's impossible to put in a bad state!


In many instances your ORM may be generating a query that's both slow, and can lead to concurrency errors. That's the bad news. The good news is you can write database queries that are both faster and more correct!

A good place to start is by reversing the traditional model of ORM development. Instead of starting with the code in the ORM and working backwards to the query, start with the query you want, and figure out how to express than in your ORM. You'll probably end up using the lower-level methods offered by your ORM a lot more, and you'll probably discover defects in the way that your ORM handles database errors. That's okay! You are on a much happier path.

Thanks to Alan Shreve and Kyle Conroy for reading drafts of this post.

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Maybe Automatically Updating Dependencies Isn’t a Great Idea

There's a distressing feeling in the Node.js community that apps without up-to-date dependencies are somehow not as good, or stable, as apps that always keep their dependencies up to date. So we see things like and badges that show whether the project's dependencies are up to date (and, implicitly, shame anyone whose dependencies aren't green).

I'm not talking about updating dependencies for a good reason (covered below); I'm talking about the practice of updating dependencies for the sake of keeping the dependencies updated. In the best possible case, a dependency update does nothing. The application keeps running exactly as it was. In the worst case, your servers crash, millions of dollars of business value are affected, state is compromised, or worse.

One day at Twilio we tried to deploy code that had a defect in it. The deployment tool noticed the errors and tried to rollback the deployment by putting the old nodes in the load balancer and taking the new ones out. Except... when it went to take the new nodes out, the worker process crashed. So we ended up with both the new (faulty) nodes and the old nodes in the load balancer, and our most reliable tool for cluster management couldn't pull the bad nodes out.

We did some investigation and it turns out one of our dependencies had updated. Well, it wasn't a direct dependency - we locked down all of those - it was a dependency of a dependency, which upgraded to version 3, and introduced an incompatibility.

Fundamentally, updating dependencies is a dangerous operation. Most people would never deploy changes to production without having them go through code review, but I have observed that many feel comfortable bumping a package.json number without looking at the diff of what changed in the dependency.

New releases of dependencies are usually less tested in the wild than older versions. We know the best predictor of the number of errors in code is the number of lines written. The current version of your dependency (which you know works) has 0 lines of diff when compared with itself, but the newest release has a greater-than-0 number of lines of code changed. Code changes are risky, and so are dependency updates.

Errors and crashes introduced by dependency updates are difficult to debug. Generally, the errors are not in your code; they're deep in a node_modules or site-packages folder or similar. You are probably more familiar with your application code than the intricacies of your third party tools. Tracking down the error usually involves figuring out what version of the code used to be running (not easy!) and staring at a diff between the two.

But my tests will catch any dependency errors, you say. Maybe you have great coverage around your application. But do the dependencies you're pulling in have good test coverage? Are the interactions between your dependencies tested? How about the interactions between the dependency and every possible version of a subdependency? Do your tests cover every external interface?

But the dependencies I'm pulling in use semver, so I'll know if things break. This only saves you if you actually read the CHANGELOG, or the package author correctly realizes a breaking change. Otherwise you get situations like this. Which just seems sad; the reporter must have taken time to update the package, then gotten an error report, then had to figure out what change crashed the servers, then mitigated the issue. A lot of downside there - wasted time and the business fallout of a crashing application, and I'm struggling to figure out what benefit the reporter got from updating to the latest possible version.

When to Update Dependencies

Generally I think you should lock down the exact versions of every dependency and sub-dependency that you use. However, there are a few cases where it makes sense to pull in the latest and greatest thing. In every case, at the very least I read the CHANGELOG and scan the package diff before pulling in the update.

Security Upgrades

An application issues a new release to patch a security vulnerability, and you need to get the latest version of the app to patch the same hole. Even here, you want to ensure that the vulnerability actually affects your application, and that the changed software does not break your application. You may not want to grab the entire upstream changeset, but only port in the patch that fixes the security issue.

Performance Improvement

Recently we noticed our web framework was sleeping for 50ms on every POST and PUT request. Of course you would want to upgrade to avoid this (although we actually fixed it by removing the dependency).

You Need a Hot New Feature

We updated mocha recently because it wouldn't print out stack traces for things that weren't Error objects. We submitted a patch and upgraded mocha to get that feature.

You Need a Bug Fix

Your version of the dependency may have a defect, and upgrading will fix the issue. Ensure that the fix was actually coded correctly.

A Final Warning

Updated dependencies introduce a lot of risk and instability into your project. There are valid reasons to update and you'll need to weigh the benefit against the risk. But updating dependencies just for the sake of updating them is just going to run you into trouble.

You can avoid all of these problems by not adding a dependency in the first place. Think really, really hard before reaching for a package to solve your problem. Actually read the code and figure out if you need all of it or just a subset. Maybe if you need to pluralize your application's model names, it's okay to just add an 's' on the end, instead of adding the pluralize library. Sure, the Volcano model will be Volcanos instead of Volcanoes but maybe that's okay for your system.

Unfortunately my desired solution for adding dependencies - fork a library, rip out the parts you aren't using, and copy the rest directly into your source tree - isn't too popular. But I think it would help a lot with enforcing the idea that you own your dependencies and the code changes inside.

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

Don’t Use Sails (or Waterline)

The Shyp API currently runs on top of the Sails JS framework. It's an extremely popular framework - the project has over 11,000 stars on Github, and it's one of the top 100 most popular projects on the site. However, we've had a very poor experience with it, and with Waterline, the ORM that runs underneath it. Remember when you learned that does a DNS lookup to check whether a URL is equivalent to another URL? Imagine finding an issue like that every two weeks or so and that's the feeling I get using Sails and Waterline.

The project's maintainers are very nice, and considerate - we have our disagreements about the best way to build software, but they're generally responsive. It's also clear from the error handling in the project (at least the getting started docs) that they've thought a lot about the first run experience, and helping people figure out the answers to the problems they encounter trying to run Sails.

That said, here are some of the things we've struggled with:

  • The website broke all incoming Google links ("sails views", "sails models", etc), as well as about 60,000 of its own autogenerated links, for almost a year. Rachael Shaw has been doing great work to fix them again, but it was pretty frustrating that documentation was so hard to find for that long.

  • POST and PUT requests that upload JSON or form-urlencoded data sleep for 50ms in the request parser. This sleep occupied about 30% of the request time on our servers, and 50-70% of the time in controller tests.

  • The community of people who use Sails doesn't seem to care much about performance or correctness. The above error was present for at least a year and not one person wondered why simple POST requests take 50ms longer than a simple GET. For a lot of the issues above and below it seems like we are the only people who have ran into them, or care.

  • By default Sails generates a route for every function you define in a controller, whether it's meant to be public or not. This is a huge security risk, because you generally don't think to write policies for these implicitly-created routes, so it's really easy to bypass any authentication rules you have set up and hit a controller directly.

  • Blueprints are Sails's solution for a CRUD app and we've observed a lot of unexpected behavior with them. For one example, passing an unknown column name as the key parameter in a GET request (?foo=bar) will cause the server to return a 500.

  • If you want to test the queries in a single model, there's no way to do it besides loading/lifting the entire application, which is dog slow - on our normal sized application, it takes at least 7 seconds to begin running a single test.

  • Usually when I raise an issue on a project, the response is that there's some newer, better thing being worked on, that I should use instead. I appreciate that, but porting an application has lots of downside and little upside. I also worry about the support and correctness of the existing tools that are currently in wide use.

  • Hardcoded typos in command arguments.

  • No documented responsible disclosure policy, or information on how security vulnerabilities are handled.


Waterline is the ORM that powers Sails. The goal of Waterline is to provide the same query interface for any database that you would like to use. Unfortunately, this means that the supported feature set is the least common denominator of every supported database. We use Postgres, and by default this means we can't get a lot of leverage out of it.

These issues are going to be Postgres oriented, because that's the database we use. Some of these have since been fixed, but almost all of them (apart from the data corruption issues) have bit us at one point or another.*

  • No support for transactions. We had to write our own transaction interface completely separate from the ORM.

  • No support for custom Postgres types (bigint, bytea, array). If you set a column to type 'array' in Waterline, it creates a text field in the database and serializes the array by calling JSON.stringify.

  • If you define a column to be type 'integer', Waterline will reject things that don't look like integers... except for Mongo IDs, which look like "4cdfb11e1f3c000000007822". Waterline will pass these through to the database no matter what backend data store you are using.

  • Waterline offers a batch interface for creating items, e.g. Users.create([user1, user2]). Under the hood, however, creating N items issues N insert requests for one record each, instead of one large request. 29 out of 30 times, the results will come back in order, but there used to be a race where sometimes create will return results in a different order than the order you inserted them. This caused a lot of intermittent, hard-to-parse failures in our tests until we figured out what was going on.

  • Waterline queries are case insensitive; that is, Users.find().where(name: 'FOO') will turn into SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = LOWER('FOO');. There's no way to turn this off. If you ask Sails to generate an index for you, it will place the index on the uppercased column name, so your queries will miss it. If you generate the index yourself, you pretty much have to use the lowercased column value & force every other query against the database to use that as well.

  • The .count function used to work by pulling the entire table into memory and checking the length of the resulting array.

  • No way to split out queries to send writes to a primary and reads to a replica. No support for canceling in-flight queries or setting a timeout on them.

  • The test suite is shared by every backend adapter; this makes it impossible for the Waterline team to write tests for database-specific behavior or failure handling (unique indexes, custom types, check constraints, etc). Any behavior specific to your database is poorly tested at best.

  • "Waterline truncated a JOIN table". There are probably more issues in this vein, but we excised all .populate, .associate, and .destroy calls from our codebase soon after this, to reduce the risk of data loss.

  • When Postgres raises a uniqueness or constraint violation, the resulting error handling is very poor. Waterline used to throw an object instead of an Error instance, which means that Mocha would not print anything about the error unless you called console.log(new Error(err)); to turn it into an Error. (It's since been fixed in Waterline, and I submitted a patch to Mocha to fix this behavior, but we stared at empty stack traces for at least six months before that). Waterline attempts to use regex matching to determine whether the error returned by Postgres is a uniqueness constraint violation, but the regex fails to match other types of constraint failures like NOT NULL errors or partial unique indexes.

  • The error messages returned by validation failures are only appropriate to display if the UI can handle newlines and bullet points. Parsing the error message to display any other scenario is very hard; we try really hard to dig the underlying pg error object out and use that instead. Mostly nowadays we've been creating new database access interfaces that wrap the Waterline model instances and handle errors appropriately.


I appreciate the hard work put in by the Sails/Waterline team and contributors, and it seems like they're really interested in fixing a lot of the issues above. I think it's just really hard to be an expert in sixteen different database technologies, and write a good library that works with all of them, especially when you're not using a given database day in and day out.

You can build an app that's reliable and performant on top of Sails and Waterline - we think ours is, at least. You just have to be really careful, avoid the dangerous parts mentioned above, and verify at every step that the ORM and the router are doing what you think they are doing.

The sad part is that in 2015, you have so many options for building a reliable service, that let you write code securely and reliably and can scale to handle large numbers of open connections with low latency. Using a framework and an ORM doesn't mean you need to enter a world of pain. You don't need to constantly battle your framework, or worry whether your ORM is going to delete your data, or it's generating the correct query based on your code. Better options are out there! Here are some of the more reliable options I know about.

  • Instagram used Django well through its $1 billion dollar acquisition. Amazing community and documentation, and the project is incredibly stable.

  • You can use Dropwizard from either Java or Scala, and I know from experience that it can easily handle hundreds/thousands of open connections with incredibly low latency.

  • Hell, the Go standard library has a lot of reliable, multi-threaded, low latency tools for doing database reads/writes and server handling. The third party libraries are generally excellent.

I'm not amazingly familiar with backend Javascript - this is the only server framework I've used - but if I had to use Javascript I would check out whatever the Walmart and the Netflix people are using to write Node, since they need to care a lot about performance and correctness.

*: If you are using a database without traditional support for transactions and constraints, like Mongo, correct behavior is going to be very difficult to verify. I wish you the best of luck.

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

Stepping Up Your Pull Request Game

Okay! You had an idea for how to improve the project, the maintainers indicated they'd approve it, you checked out a new branch, made some changes, and you are ready to submit it for review. Here are some tips for submitting a changeset that's more likely to pass through code review quickly, and make it easier for people to understand your code.

A Very Brief Caveat

If you are new to programming, don't worry about getting these details right! There are a lot of other useful things to learn first, like the details of a programming language, how to test your code, how to retrieve data you need, then parse it and transform it into a useful format. I started programming by copy/pasting text into the WordPress "edit file" UI.

Write a Good Commit Message

A big, big part of your job as an engineer is communicating what you're doing to other people. When you communicate, you can be more sure that you're building the right thing, you increase usage of things that you've built, and you ensure that people don't assign credit to someone else when you build things. Part of this job is writing a clear message for the rest of the team when you change something.

Fortunately you are probably already doing this! If you write a description of your change in the pull request summary field, you're already halfway there. You just need to put that great message in the commit instead of in the pull request.

The first thing you need to do is stop typing git commit -m "Updated the widgets" and start typing just git commit. Git will try to open a text editor; you'll want to configure this to use the editor of your choice.

A lot of words have been written about writing good commit messages; Tim Pope wrote my favorite post about it.

How big should a commit be? Bigger than you think; I rarely use more than one commit in a pull request, though I try to limit pull requests to 400 lines removed or added, and sometimes break a multiple-commit change into multiple pull requests.


If you use Vim to write commit messages, the editor will show you if the summary goes beyond 50 characters.

If you write a great commit message, and the pull request is one commit, Github will display it straight in the UI! Here's an example commit in the terminal:

And here's what that looks like when I open that commit as a pull request in Github - note Github has autofilled the subject/body of the message.

Note if your summary is too long, Github will truncate it:

Review Your Pull Request Before Submitting It

Before you hit "Submit", be sure to look over your diff so you don't submit an obvious error. In this pass you should be looking for things like typos, syntax errors, and debugging print statements which are left in the diff. One last read through can be really useful.

Everyone struggles to get code reviews done, and it can be frustrating for reviewers to find things like print statements in a diff. They might be more hesitant to review your code in the future if it has obvious errors in it.

Make Sure The Tests Pass

If the project has tests, try to verify they pass before you submit your change. It's annoying that Github doesn't make the test pass/failure state more obvious before you submit.

Hopefully the project has a test convention - a make test command in a Makefile, instructions in a, or automatic builds via Travis CI. If you can't get the tests set up, or it seems like there's an unrelated failure, add a separate issue explaining why you couldn't get the tests running.

If the project has clear guidelines on how to run the tests, and they fail on your change, it can be a sign you weren't paying close enough attention.

The Code Review Process

I don't have great advice here, besides a) patience is a virtue, and b) the faster you are to respond to feedback, the easier it will go for reviewers. Really you should just read Glen Sanford's excellent post on code review.

Ready to Merge

Okay! Someone gave you a LGTM and it's time to merge. As a part of the code review process, you may have ended up with a bunch of commits that look like this:

These commits are detritus, the prototypes of the creative process, and they shouldn't be part of the permanent record. Why fix them? Because six months from now, when you're staring at a piece of confusing code and trying to figure out why it's written the way it is, you really want to see a commit message explaining the change that looks like this, and not one that says "fix tests".

There are two ways to get rid of these:

Git Amend

If you just did a commit and have a new change that should be part of the same commit, use git amend to add changes to the current commit. If you don't need to change the message, use git amend --no-edit (I map this to git alter in my git config).

Git Rebase

You want to squash all of those typo fix commits into one. Steve Klabnik has a good guide for how to do this. I use this script, saved as rb:

    local branch="$1"
    if [[ -z "$branch" ]]; then
    BRANCHREF="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
    if [[ "$BRANCHNAME" == "$branch" ]]; then
        echo "Switch to a branch first"
        exit 1
    git checkout "$branch"
    git pull origin "$branch"
    git checkout "$BRANCHNAME"
    if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then
        git rebase "$branch" "$2"
        git rebase "$branch"
    git push origin --force "$BRANCHNAME"

If you run that with rb master, it will pull down the latest master from origin, rebase your branch against it, and force push to your branch on origin. Run rb master -i and select "squash" to squash your commits down to one.

As a side effect of rebasing, you'll resolve any merge conflicts that have developed between the time you opened the pull request and the merge time! This can take the headache away from the person doing the merge, and help prevent mistakes.

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

Logging Database Queries in CircleCI

Our test suite has been failing maybe 2% of the time with a pretty opaque error message. I thought the database logs would have more information about the failure so I figured out how to turn them on with Circle.

Add the following to the database section of your circle.yml:

    - sudo sed -i "s/#logging_collector = off/logging_collector = on/" /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf
    - sudo sed -i "s/#log_statement = 'none'/log_statement = 'all'/" /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf
    - sudo sed -i "s/#log_duration = off/log_duration = on/" /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf
    - sudo sed -i "s/#log_disconnections = off/log_disconnections = on/" /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf
    - sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_log
    - sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_log
    - sudo service postgresql restart

Those settings will:

  • enable various logging settings in the Postgres config
  • create the pg_log directory (Postgres can't write if the directory doesn't exist)
  • change ownership of the directory to the postgres user
  • restart Postgres (needed to enable logging).

Finally to trigger the error you're going to want to run the tests a bunch of times.

    - while true; do your_test_command | tee -a test.log ; if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then break; fi; done; exit 1

Note you need to use the ${PIPESTATUS} array instead of $? because you're piping the output of your test runner to the test log. You're going to want to pipe the output of your test runner to the test log because Circle can't render text beyond a certain threshold.

Finally, enable SSH on your build so you can view the test log file you've been writing, and your database logs, which will be in /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_log.

Happy hunting!

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

Node’s `require` is dog slow

Our test environment takes 6-9 seconds to load before any tests get run. I tire of this during the ~30 times I run the test suite a day,1 so I wanted to make it faster.

For better or worse, the API runs on Sails.js. Before running model/controller tests, a bootstrap file in our tests calls sails.lift.

require('sails').lift(function(err) {
    // Run the tests

This lift call generates about 400 queries against Postgres to retrieve database schema, that each look like this:

SELECT x.nspname || '.' || x.relname as "Table", x.attnum
as "#", x.attname as "Column", x."Type", case x.attnotnull
when true then 'NOT NULL' else '' end as "NULL",
r.conname as "Constraint", r.contype as "C", r.consrc,
fn.nspname || '.' || f.relname as "F Key", d.adsrc as "Default"
FROM (SELECT c.oid, a.attrelid, a.attnum, n.nspname, c.relname,
a.attname, pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as "Type",
a.attnotnull FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, pg_namespace n,
pg_class c WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped
AND a.attrelid = c.oid and c.relkind not in ('S','v')
and c.relnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname
not in ('pg_catalog','pg_toast','information_schema')) x
left join pg_attrdef d on d.adrelid = x.attrelid
and d.adnum = x.attnum left join pg_constraint r on r.conrelid = x.oid
and r.conkey[1] = x.attnum left join pg_class f on r.confrelid = f.oid
left join pg_namespace fn on f.relnamespace = fn.oid
where x.relname = 'credits' order by 1,2;

I'm not really sure what those queries do, since Sails seems to ignore the schema that's already in the database when generating table queries. Since we use the smallest, safest subset of the ORM we can find, I tried commenting out the sails-postgresql module code that makes those queries to see if the tests would still pass, and the tests did pass... but the load time was still slow.

The next step was to instrument the code to figure out what was taking so long. I wanted to have the Sails loader log the duration of each part of the load process, but this would have required a global variable, and a whole bunch of calls to console.log. It turns out the Unix function ts can do this for you, if log lines are generated at the appropriate times. Basically, it's an instant awesome tool for generating insight into a program's runtime, without needing to generate timestamps in the underlying tool.

       ts - timestamp input

       ts [-r] [-i | -s] [format]

       ts adds a timestamp to the beginning of each line of input.

I set the Sails logging level to verbose and piped the output through ts '[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S]'. I pretty quickly found a culprit..

[2015-04-19 21:53:45.730679] verbose: request hook loaded successfully.
[2015-04-19 21:53:45.731032] verbose: Loading the app's models and adapters...
[2015-04-19 21:53:45.731095] verbose: Loading app models...
[2015-04-19 21:53:47.928104] verbose: Loading app adapters...
[2015-04-19 21:53:47.929343] verbose: Loading blueprint middleware...

That's a 2 second gap between loading the models and loading the adapters.

I started adding profiling to the code near the "Loading app models..." line. I expected to see that attaching custom functions (findOne, update, etc) to the Sails models was the part that took so long. Instead I found out that a module called include-all accounted for almost all of the 2.5 seconds. That module simply requires every file in the models directory, about 30 files.

Further reading/logging revealed that each require call was being generated in turn. I've found it, I thought, just use different CPU's to require them all at the same time, and see a speedup. Unfortunately, the require operation is synchronous in Node, and runs on one CPU, so the process can still only perform one require at a time.

I tried just loading one model to see how slow that would be. This script took an average of 700 milliseconds to run, on my high end Macbook Pro:

var start =;
console.log( - start);

700 milliseconds to require a model file, and that file's dependencies! I can send a packet to and from New York 8 times in that amount of time. What the hell is it actually doing? For this I turned to good old strace (or dtruss, as it's ported on Macs). First start up a shell to record syscalls for any process that is called node.

# (You'll want to kill any other node processes before running this.)
sudo dtruss -d -n 'node' > /tmp/require.log 2>&1

Open up another shell session and run your little script that calls require and prints the startup time and then exits. You should have a few thousand lines in a file called /tmp/require.log. Here's what I found near the start:

   1186335 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/async\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE608, 0x9)             = -1 Err#2
   1186382 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/async.js\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x9)          = -1 Err#2
   1186405 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/async.json\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x9)                = -1 Err#2
   1186423 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/async.node\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x9)                = -1 Err#2
   1186438 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x9)              = -1 Err#2
   1186473 open("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/async/package.json\0", 0x0, 0x1B6)           = -1 Err#2
   1186501 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/async/index.js\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)          = -1 Err#2
   1186519 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/async/index.json\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)                = -1 Err#2
   1186534 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/async/index.node\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)                = -1 Err#2
   1186554 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/models/node_modules/async/\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)              = -1 Err#2
   1186580 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/async\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE608, 0x1B6)          = -1 Err#2
   1186598 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/async.js\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)               = -1 Err#2
   1186614 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/async.json\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)             = -1 Err#2
   1186630 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/async.node\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)             = -1 Err#2
   1186645 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)           = -1 Err#2
   1186670 open("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/async/package.json\0", 0x0, 0x1B6)          = -1 Err#2
   1186694 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/async/index.js\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)                 = -1 Err#2
   1186712 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/async/index.json\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)               = -1 Err#2
   1186727 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/async/index.node\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)               = -1 Err#2
   1186742 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/api/node_modules/async/\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)             = -1 Err#2
   1186901 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/node_modules/async\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE608, 0x1B6)              = 0 0
   1186963 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/node_modules/async.js\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)           = -1 Err#2
   1187024 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/node_modules/async.json\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)                 = -1 Err#2
   1187050 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/node_modules/async.node\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)                 = -1 Err#2
   1187074 stat64("/Users/burke/code/api/node_modules/\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE5B8, 0x1B6)               = -1 Err#2
      1656 __semwait_signal(0x10F, 0x0, 0x1)                = -1 Err#60
   1187215 open("/Users/burke/code/api/node_modules/async/package.json\0"0x0, 0x1B6)              = 11 0

That's a lot of wasted open()'s, and that's just to find one dependency.2 To load the single model, node had to open and read 300 different files,3 and every require which wasn't a relative dependency did the same find-the-node-module-folder dance. The documentation seems to indicate this is desired behavior, and it doesn't seem like there is any way around this.

Now, failed stat's are not the entire reason require is slow, but if I am reading the timestamps correctly in the strace log, they are a fair amount of it, and the most obviously wasteful thing. I could rewrite every require to be relative, e.g. require('../../node_modules/async') but that seems cumbersome and wasteful, when I can define the exact rule I want before hand: if it's not a relative file path, look in node_modules in the top level of my project.

So that's where we are; require for a single model takes 700 milliseconds, require for all the models takes 2.5 seconds, and there don't seem to be great options for speeding that up. There's some discouraging discussion here from core developers about the possibility of speeding up module import.

You are probably saying "load fewer dependencies", and you are right and I would love to, but that is not an option at this point in time, since "dependencies" basically equals Sails, and while we are trying to move off of Sails, we're stuck on it for the time being. Where I can, I write tests that work with objects in memory and don't touch our models/controllers, but Destroy All Software videos only get you so far.

I will definitely think harder about importing another small module vs. just copying the code/license wholesale into my codebase, and I'll definitely look to add something that can warn about unused imports or variables in the code base.

I'm left concluding that importing modules in Node is dog slow. Yes, 300 imports is a lot, but a 700ms load time seems way too high. Python imports can be slow, but as far as I remember, it's mostly for things that compile C on the fly, and for everything else you can work around it by rearranging sys.path to match the most imports first (impossible here). If there's anything I can do - some kind of compile option, or saving the V8 bytecode or something, I'm open to suggestions.

1. If you follow along with the somewhat-crazy convention of crashing your Node process on an error and having a supervisor restart it, that means that your server takes 6-9 seconds of downtime as well.

2. The story gets even worse if you are writing Coffeescript, since require will also look for files matching .litcoffee and at every level. You can hack require.extensions to delete these keys.

3. For unknown reasons, node occasionally decided not to stat/open some imports that were require'd in the file.

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

Profiling ZSH startup time

Recently I had a very weird problem with iTerm where new login shells were being created with environment variables already present. Restarting my machine made the issue go away, and I wasn't able to reproduce it again.

But I got curious about how long ZSH spends in various parts of the startup process. A new /bin/bash login shell loads instantaneously and I was wondering why my ZSH startup was so slow, and if there was anything I could do to make it faster. My goal was to get to a command prompt in under 100 milliseconds.

What files run when you start a ZSH login shell?

In order, your machine will load/execute the following files when ZSH starts:


On my machine only /etc/zshenv (which adds paths in /etc/paths* to the $PATH variable) and ~/.zshrc actually existed, which simplified the problem somewhat.

I used the following two scripts to check execution time. First, this snippet logged the execution time of every command run by my startup script in ~/tmp/startlog.<pid>.

    if [[ "$PROFILE_STARTUP" == true ]]; then
        PS4=$'%D{%M%S%.} %N:%i> '
        exec 3>&2 2>$HOME/tmp/startlog.$$
        setopt xtrace prompt_subst
    # Entirety of my startup file... then
    if [[ "$PROFILE_STARTUP" == true ]]; then
        unsetopt xtrace
        exec 2>&3 3>&-

Essentially this prints the command that zsh is running before you run it. The PS4 variable controls the output of this print statement, and allows us to insert a timestamp each time we run it.

I then wrote a short python script to print all lines above a certain threshold. This is okay, but can show a lot of detail and won't show you if one line in your .zshrc is causing thousands of lines of execution, which take a lot of time in total.


At first I used the GNU date program in the PS4 prompt to get millisecond information about the time, however this program consistently used 3 milliseconds to run, so it got costly to run it thousands of times during system profiling.

The first thing you find is that shelling out is very expensive, especially to high-level languages. Running something like brew --prefix takes 50 milliseconds which is half of the budget. I found that Autojump's shell loader ran brew --prefix twice so I submitted this pull request to cache the output of that and run it again.

Another timing method

Ultimately what I want is to time specific lines/blocks of my zshrc, instead of get profiling information for specific lines. I did this by wrapping them in time commands, like this:

    { time (
        # linux
        (( $+commands[gvim] )) && {
            alias vi=gvim;
            alias svi='sudo gvim'
        # set up macvim, if it exists
        (( $+commands[mvim] )) && {
            alias vi=mvim;
            alias svi='sudo mvim'
    ) }

This will time commands in a sub-shell, which means that any environment variables set in the sub-shell won't be set in the environment. However the purpose is to get timing information and it's good enough for that.

Lazy loading

By far the worst offenders were the various "Add this to your .zshrc" scripts that I had added in the past - virtualenvwrapper, travis, git-completion, autojump, pyenv, and more. I wanted to see if there was a way to load these only when I needed them (I don't, frequently). Turns out there is! Most of these set functions in zsh, so I can shadow them with my own functions in a zshrc. Once the file with the actual function definition is sourced, it'll replace the shim and I'll be fine. Here's an example for autojump:

    function j() {
        (( $+commands[brew] )) && {
            local pfx=$(brew --prefix)
            [[ -f "$pfx/etc/" ]] && . "$pfx/etc/"
            j "$@"

Or for pyenv:

pyenv() {
    eval "$( command pyenv init - )"
    pyenv "$@"

Essentially on the first invocation, these functions source the actual definition and then immediately call it with the arguments passed in.


Ultimately I was able to shave my zsh startup time from 670 milliseconds to about 390 milliseconds and I have ideas on how to shave it further (rewriting my weirdfortune program in Go for example, to avoid the Python/PyPy startup cost). You can probably get similar gains from examining your own zshrc.

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

Hacking Roller Coaster Tycoon with Genetic Algorithms

I used to play a ton of Roller Coaster Tycoon when I was a kid. I loved the game but I was never very good at making the roller coasters. They always felt too spread out, or too unnatural looking. As a ten year old I idly wondered about writing a computer program that was really good at playing the game. What sort of parks would it make? How would a computer approach the freedoms inherent in an empty park? What would we learn about the game engine from doing so?

A cool coaster

Sadly, this one wasn't generated by a computer

In case you're not familiar, Roller Coaster Tycoon is a amusement park simulation game most notable because the entire game was written in x86 assembler by Chris Sawyer.

Finally a few months ago, I had the tools and the free time available to work on this, and I made some progress toward writing a program that would generate cool looking roller coasters. Let's examine the parts of this program in turn.

Interacting with the Game

So let's say you have a program that can generate roller coasters. How do you actually put them in the game, or integrate them into your parks?

Fortunately, Roller Coaster Tycoon has a format for saving track layouts to disk. Even more amazingly, this format has been documented.

4B: departure control flags
4C number of trains
4D number of cars per train
4E: minimum wait time in seconds
4F: maximum wait time in seconds

Once you decode the ride data, it follows a format. Byte 0 stores the ride type - 00000010 is a suspended steel roller coaster, for example. Some bytes indicate the presence of flags - the 17th bit tells you whether the coaster can have a vertical loop. And so on, and so on.

To compress space, RCT used a cheap run-length encoding algorithm that would compress duplicates of the same byte. But once you encoded/decoded the file, it was super easy to get it running in the game.

So, great! I could write my coaster generator in any language I wanted, write out the file to disk, then load it from any of the parks.

Getting Track Data

There are a lot of track pieces in the game, and I needed to get a lot of data about each of them to be able to make assertions about generated roller coasters. As an example, if the track is currently banked left, which pieces are even possible to construct next?

A steep upward slope track piece increases the car height 4 units. A sharp left turn would advance the car 3 squares forward and 3 squares left, and also rotate the car's direction by 90 degrees. I had less than zero interest in doing this all by hand, and would probably make a mistake doing it. So I went looking for the source of truth in the game..


Literally the same week that I started looking at this, Ted John started decompiling the Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 source from x86 into C, and posting the results on Github. More importantly (for me), Ted and the source code actually showed how to read and decompile the source of the game.

The repository shipped with an EXE that would load the C sources before the x86 game code. From there, the C code could (and did, often) use assembler calls to jump back into the game source, for parts that hadn't been decompiled yet.

This also introduced me to the tools you use to decompile x86 into C. We used the reverse engineering tool IDA Pro to read the raw assembly, with a shared database that had information on subroutines that had been decompiled. Using IDA is probably as close as I will come to a profession in code-breaking and/or reverse engineering.

Most of the time with IDA involved reading, annotating the code, and then double checking your results against other parts of the code, the same way you might annotate a crossword puzzle. Other times I used guess and check - change a value in the code, then re-run the game and see what specifically had changed, or use debugging statements to see what went on.

So I started looking for the track data in the game. This turned out to be really, really difficult. You would have a hunch, or use the limited search capability in the game to search for something you thought should be there. Ultimately, I figured out where the strings "Too high!" and "Too low!" were being called in the engine, figuring that track height data would have been computed or used near those points.

This was only part of the solution - it turns out that track data is not stored in one big map but in several maps all around the code base. Some places store information about track bank, some store information about heights and it's tricky to compile it all together. Ultimately, I was able to figure it out by spending enough time with the code and testing different addresses to see if the values there lined up with the pre-determined track order.

Visualizing rides

With a genetic algorithm you are going to be generating a lot of roller coasters. I wanted a quick way to see whether those roller coasters were getting better or not by plotting them. So I used Go's image package to draw roller coasters. To start I didn't try for an isometric view, although that would be fun to draw. Instead I just plotted height change in one image and x/y changes in another image. Running this against existing roller coasters also revealed some flaws in my track data.

A fitness function

A good fitness function will have penalties/rewards for various pieces of behavior.

  • Is the ride complete?

  • Does the ride intersect itself at any points?

  • Does the ride respect gravity, e.g. will a car make it all the way around the track?

  • How exciting is the ride, per the in-game excitement meter?

  • How nauseating is the ride, per the in-game excitement meter?

The first two points on that list are easy; the last three are much more difficult. Finding the excitement data was very tricky. I eventually found it by getting the excitement for a "static" ride with no moving parts (the Crooked House) and searching for the actual numbers used in the game. Here's the function that computes excitement, nausea and intensity for a Crooked House ride.

sub_65C4D4 proc near
or      dword ptr [edi+1D0h], 2
or      dword ptr [edi+1D0h], 8
mov     byte ptr [edi+198h], 5
call    sub_655FD6
mov     ebx, 0D7h ; ''
mov     ecx, 3Eh ; '>'
mov     ebp, 22h ; '"'
call    sub_65E7A3
call    sub_65E7FB
mov     [edi+140h], bx
mov     [edi+142h], cx
mov     [edi+144h], bp
xor     ecx, ecx
call    sub_65E621
mov     dl, 7
shl     dl, 5
and     byte ptr [edi+114h], 1Fh
or      [edi+114h], dl
sub_65C4D4 endp

Got that? In this case 0xD7 in hex is 215 in decimal, which is the ride's excitement rating. I got lucky that this value is static and not changed by anything, which meant I could search for it from outside the binary. This is then stored in the ride's location in memory (register edi), at the offset 0x140. In between there are a few subroutine calls, which shows that nothing is ever really easy when you are reading x86, as well as calls to functions that I have nothing besides hunches about.

Anyway, when you turn this into C, you get something like this:

void crooked_house_excitement(rct_ride *ride)
    // Set lifecycle bits
    ride->lifecycle_flags |= RIDE_LIFECYCLE_TESTED;
    ride->lifecycle_flags |= RIDE_LIFECYCLE_NO_RAW_STATS;
    ride->var_198 = 5;

    ride_rating excitement  = RIDE_RATING(2,15);
    ride_rating intensity   = RIDE_RATING(0,62);
    ride_rating nausea      = RIDE_RATING(0,34);

    excitement = apply_intensity_penalty(excitement, intensity);
    rating_tuple tup = per_ride_rating_adjustments(ride, excitement, intensity, nausea);

    ride->excitement = tup.excitement;
    ride->intensity = tup.intensity;
    ride->nausea = tup.nausea;

    ride->upkeep_cost = compute_upkeep(ride);
    // Upkeep flag? or a dirtiness flag
    ride->var_14D |= 2;

    // clear all bits except lowest 5
    ride->var_114 &= 0x1f;
    // set 6th,7th,8th bits
    ride->var_114 |= 0xE0;

And we're lucky in this case that the function is relatively contained; many places in the code feature jumps and constructs that make following the code pretty tricky.

So this one wasn't too bad, but I got bogged down trying to compute excitement for a ride that had a track. The function gets orders of magnitude more complex than this. One positive is, as far as I can tell, excitement and nausea ratings are wholly functions of overall ride statistics like the vertical and lateral G-forces, and there's no accumulator per track segment.

Most of the computation involves multiplying a ride statistic by a constant, then bit shifting the value so it can't be too high/influence the final number by too much.

And sadly, this is where the project stalled. It was impossible to test the C code, because the track computation functions were buried four subroutines deep, and each of those subroutines had at least 500 lines of code. Decompiling each of these correctly, just to get to the code I wanted, was going to be a massive pain. There are ways around this, but ultimately I got back from vacation and had to focus on more pressing issues.


You can hack Roller Coaster Tycoon! There are a bunch of people doing interesting stuff with the game, including improving the peep UI, working on cross compilation (you can play it on Macs!), adding intrigues like the possibility of a worker strike, removing limitations based on the number of bytes (you can only have 255 rides, for example), and more.

It's been really fun having an utterly useless side project. I learned a lot about registers, calling conventions, bit shifting tricks, and other things that probably won't be useful at all, for anything.

I will definitely revisit this project at some point, hopefully when more of the game has been decompiled, or I might try to dig back into the x86/C more on my own.

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

Storing Photos for the Long Term

You have photos on your computer. You would probably be really sad if you lost them. Let's discuss some strategies for ensuring that doesn't happen.

What you are doing now is probably not enough.

Your current strategy is to have photos and critical files stored on your most current laptop and maybe some things in Dropbox. This means you will probably lose your data sometime in the next three years.

Hard drives fail, often, and are unrecoverable, or expensive to recover.

The software that manages your photos is written by people who are bad at their jobs, or didn't anticipate the software running on (insert hardware/software condition 10 years from now here) and it breaks, destroying your photos in the process.

Backup services fail, often enough to make you worry. Apple can't be trusted to reliably deliver messages with iMessage, I don't trust Time Machine at all.

Apartments and cars get broken into and laptops/external drives are good candidates for theft. You can buy renters insurance, but you can't get your photos back.

What you should do

I'm going to focus specifically on keeping photos for a long time. For files and folders which change more often, I use git and source code tools like Github or Bitbucket. For work environments that take a while to set up, I try to automate installation with shell scripts instead of trying to store the entire environment via Time Machine or similar.

I'm also going to pick a thirty year time horizon, just for fun. If you want something to last for thirty years, you can't just store it on your local machine because your hard drive will probably fail between now and then, and then you lose your photos. So you want to store it on your machine and then also somewhere offsite (e.g. not in the same 5-mile radius as your machine).

Storage Tool

Which raises the question, which storage/backup companies will be around in 30 years? Any small enough candidate, even Dropbox, could get acquired or shut down in that time frame. My guess right now is that Amazon Web Services will be around the longest, because it is profitable, already part of a large, growing company, and the service is growing rapidly.

Specifically, I am putting a bet on Amazon Glacier, which has extremely low storage costs - $0.01 per GB - and is one of the most reliable services Amazon runs. Glacier is a subset of Simple Storage Service (S3) which has had extraordinarily good availability in the 7-8 years it's been available. In addition Amazon regularly publishes information on the technology underpinning S3, see "Amazon Dynamo paper" for example.

I use Arq to back up photos to Glacier. It seems fairly stable, has software preferences for the right things, and I am encouraged that the author charges for the software, which means he/she has an incentive to continue developing the product and making sure that it works. This is $30 but this is still much, much cheaper than any other tool (iCloud for example would be $100 per year).

I have 52 GB of files, which means I'll pay roughly $7 per year to have 11 years of photos stored safely in the cloud. Not bad.

I would consider Tarsnap as well, which encrypts your data, but it's currently 2.5x the price of Glacier. I expect this price to decline soon.

Photo Management Software

The second piece is you need to choose a stable piece of software for viewing and managing your photos. This is orders of magnitude more risky than Glacier. The ideal piece of software would have:

  • An easy to understand file format, published online

  • Source code available online

  • Some support for grouping photos into albums and importing them from my phone/camera/whatever

  • Some sort of tool for auto-adjusting the layers on a photo, cropping it, editing the brightness/contrast. Not Lightroom, but enough to make a photo better than it was.

  • Supports hundreds of gigabytes of photos without falling over.

I haven't done as much research into this as with backup solutions, but there are a few tools. Picasa is supported by Google and relies on Google's charity to stay running and supported. Lightroom is very nice, but overshoots my needs, is very expensive, and Adobe may run out of money and fold within the next 30 years. This leaves iPhoto, which isn't well documented, or open source, but mostly works, some of the time, can crop/edit photos while saving the originals, and is a core component of Apple's Mac product, which may also die, when we all have tablets. At least iPhoto stores the files on disk.

If I was a better person, I'd manually arrange photos in files on my filesystem and use that. But I am not.


In this game it's a question of how paranoid you want to be, and how much your photos are worth to you. If they're worth a lot it's worth investing significant time and resources into redundant backup systems. Specifically, the 3-2-1 rule suggests storing backups in 3 different places, 2 different file systems (or photo management tools), with at least one offsite. For photos, backing up to CD's or tapes is not a terrible option though it's not very efficient and CD's also die. Using a 2nd photo management software solution, storing the data for that one on an external drive, and backing one of them up to Glacier every night is not a terrible idea.

My photos are worth a lot to me, but I'm not going to go insanely overboard; if my hard drive dies, and Glacier loses my data, that would suck, but I'm willing to gamble on the one-in-a-million odds of them not both happening simultaneously.

I am most worried about the management software; recently iPhoto decided I had no photos in my library and deleted all of the metadata for those photos (albums, rotation information, etc), leaving only the raw copies in my library. This was very sad, though I didn't lose the photos themselves, and might be able to recover the metadata if I am lucky. So yeah, I am not too happy with this. I now store important iPhoto databases in git, backed up to Bitbucket, so I can pull them back down in the event of another catastrophic failure.


This is too long already. Ensuring your photos aren't lost is difficult, and probably requires professional experience as a computer programmer to get right, or for you to part with a significant amount of money, or achieve a large amount of good luck, to avoid the bad things that happen to most people who just hope their photos stick around. I wish you the best of luck.

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Figure out when long-running jobs finish, without stopping them

You kick off a long running job - maybe a data migration script that operates on a large data set, or you're copying a large file from one disk to another, or from the Internet to your local computer.

Then a few minutes in, you realize the job is going to take longer than you thought, and you'd like to trigger some action when it's done - notify you, or remove a temp directory, or something.

Like this: wget && say "file done downloading"

But you can't queue an action without hitting Ctrl+C and restarting the job, setting you back minutes or hours. Or can you?

With most modern shells on Unix, you can suspend the running process, and the Unix machine will freeze the state of the process for you. Simply hit Ctrl+Z while any process is running and you will get a message like this:

$ sleep 10
[1]  + 72277 suspended  sleep 10

You can then resume it with the fg command, which tells Unix to resume operations with the suspended process. You can then combine fg with the notification command of your choice. So let's say you've suspended the process with Ctrl+Z, you can bring it back to the foreground and attach actions afterwards like so:

fg; say -vzarvox "Job complete."

Of course, you can do whatever you want instead of using the say command; trigger another long running operation or whatever.

I use this probably about once a day, it never fails and it's always useful. Hope it helps you too!

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