Posts Tagged With: Links

links for 2011-01-04

  • handy flowchart
  • ideo redesigns the shopping cart in 3 days. amazing. 8 minutes long
  • "We discovered that we could tell what performance group the interviewees belonged to within a minute or two by their attitudes toward people and politics. Individuals who were ranked low by their managers spoke of organizational politics as if it were poison. They were exceptionally annoyed by the people side of the business. They frequently stated they would rather be left alone to conduct their research untrammeled by human emotions. Top performers, in contrast, found a way to work within the political system. They hadn't exactly embraced politics. They didn't come off as glad-handling sales folks. These were professional scientists who were often top ranked in their field. They looked and talked liked scientists. The difference between them and those ranked at the bottom of the totem pole was clear. They had found a way to make peace with organizations, people, and politics. They climbed to the top of their field by mastering both hard things and soft and gushy people."

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links for 2011-01-03

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links for 2010-12-30

  • "I view both parties right now as engaged in a colossal game of chicken.  Everyone knows that eventually, we are going to have to do something about the budget deficit.  So everyone wants to pass legislation that will be politically toxic to undo.  The idea seems to be that when the moment of truth finally arrives, the other side will have to make more concessions."  
  • the places chinese tourists visit in europe. really interesting
  • "And with each iteration, the spam gets more subtly targeted, and the spam filters get better at distinguishing human beings from software, in a bizarre parody of the imitation game popularized by Alan Turing (in which a human being tries to distinguish between another human being and a piece conversational software via textual communication) — an early ad hoc attempt to invent a pragmatic test for artificial intelligence."

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links for 2010-12-27

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

links for 2010-12-23

  • In both of my lives, I learned a long time ago to begin sentences with the question, "Do you want my honest opinion?" If I was going to release one fact upon world, it is this: no one ever wants your truly honest opinion, really. Honesty must be one of the most abundant resources with the smallest demand one the planet. If you think any relationship in your life is based on unmitigated honesty, try to remember the last time you said something unwaveringly true to those you love. An honest person is hard to even tolerate, let alone love.

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