Posts Tagged With: Links

links for 2010-12-16

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links for 2010-12-12

  • instead of emailing famous people your random questions, show them some proof of concept and what you've tried already, they'll be much more willing to help out
  • Classrooms where a majority of students said they agreed with the statement, “Our class stays busy and doesn’t waste time,” tended to be led by teachers with high value-added scores, the report said. The same was true for teachers whose students agreed with the statements, “In this class, we learn to correct our mistakes,” and, “My teacher has several good ways to explain each topic that we cover in this class.”

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links for 2010-12-09

  • load up on credit card miles, take advantage of specific programs
  • The problem here is that the core experience architecture of Quora is built around what is known as a stream: a real-time scrolling reverse chronological flow (pioneered in its “live” form by Facebook and Twitter, but dating back to BBSes). Highly personalized and customized no doubt, but still basically a ticker, zoomed in strongly on “now.” This creates a strong bias towards the bulletin-board end of the architecture (by emphasizing “now”). By contrast, wiki models are typically timeless. You get no time cues when you land on a Wikipedia page, usually. My colleagues at PARC have built a tool called WikiDashboard that allows wikis to bolt on a more explicit temporal dimension. Quora needs the reverse technology: something that mutes the excessive temporality (to be precise, excessively real-time temporal structure) and emphasizes longer time scales and timelessness.
  • civilian who knows more about terrorist groups than anyone else, has become government expert witness in many terrorist cases
  • File this one under "politically incorrect but likely accurate" - women seeking attention, later spurned

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links for 2010-12-08

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.