Stepping Up Your Pull Request Game

Okay! You had an idea for how to improve the project, the maintainers indicated they'd approve it, you checked out a new branch, made some changes, and you are ready to submit it for review. Here are some tips for submitting a changeset that's more likely to pass through code review quickly, and make it easier for people to understand your code.

A Very Brief Caveat

If you are new to programming, don't worry about getting these details right! There are a lot of other useful things to learn first, like the details of a programming language, how to test your code, how to retrieve data you need, then parse it and transform it into a useful format. I started programming by copy/pasting text into the WordPress "edit file" UI.

Write a Good Commit Message

A big, big part of your job as an engineer is communicating what you're doing to other people. When you communicate, you can be more sure that you're building the right thing, you increase usage of things that you've built, and you ensure that people don't assign credit to someone else when you build things. Part of this job is writing a clear message for the rest of the team when you change something.

Fortunately you are probably already doing this! If you write a description of your change in the pull request summary field, you're already halfway there. You just need to put that great message in the commit instead of in the pull request.

The first thing you need to do is stop typing git commit -m "Updated the widgets" and start typing just git commit. Git will try to open a text editor; you'll want to configure this to use the editor of your choice.

A lot of words have been written about writing good commit messages; Tim Pope wrote my favorite post about it.

How big should a commit be? Bigger than you think; I rarely use more than one commit in a pull request, though I try to limit pull requests to 400 lines removed or added, and sometimes break a multiple-commit change into multiple pull requests.


If you use Vim to write commit messages, the editor will show you if the summary goes beyond 50 characters.

If you write a great commit message, and the pull request is one commit, Github will display it straight in the UI! Here's an example commit in the terminal:

And here's what that looks like when I open that commit as a pull request in Github - note Github has autofilled the subject/body of the message.

Note if your summary is too long, Github will truncate it:

Review Your Pull Request Before Submitting It

Before you hit "Submit", be sure to look over your diff so you don't submit an obvious error. In this pass you should be looking for things like typos, syntax errors, and debugging print statements which are left in the diff. One last read through can be really useful.

Everyone struggles to get code reviews done, and it can be frustrating for reviewers to find things like print statements in a diff. They might be more hesitant to review your code in the future if it has obvious errors in it.

Make Sure The Tests Pass

If the project has tests, try to verify they pass before you submit your change. It's annoying that Github doesn't make the test pass/failure state more obvious before you submit.

Hopefully the project has a test convention - a make test command in a Makefile, instructions in a, or automatic builds via Travis CI. If you can't get the tests set up, or it seems like there's an unrelated failure, add a separate issue explaining why you couldn't get the tests running.

If the project has clear guidelines on how to run the tests, and they fail on your change, it can be a sign you weren't paying close enough attention.

The Code Review Process

I don't have great advice here, besides a) patience is a virtue, and b) the faster you are to respond to feedback, the easier it will go for reviewers. Really you should just read Glen Sanford's excellent post on code review.

Ready to Merge

Okay! Someone gave you a LGTM and it's time to merge. As a part of the code review process, you may have ended up with a bunch of commits that look like this:

These commits are detritus, the prototypes of the creative process, and they shouldn't be part of the permanent record. Why fix them? Because six months from now, when you're staring at a piece of confusing code and trying to figure out why it's written the way it is, you really want to see a commit message explaining the change that looks like this, and not one that says "fix tests".

There are two ways to get rid of these:

Git Amend

If you just did a commit and have a new change that should be part of the same commit, use git amend to add changes to the current commit. If you don't need to change the message, use git amend --no-edit (I map this to git alter in my git config).

Git Rebase

You want to squash all of those typo fix commits into one. Steve Klabnik has a good guide for how to do this. I use this script, saved as rb:

    local branch="$1"
    if [[ -z "$branch" ]]; then
    BRANCHREF="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
    if [[ "$BRANCHNAME" == "$branch" ]]; then
        echo "Switch to a branch first"
        exit 1
    git checkout "$branch"
    git pull origin "$branch"
    git checkout "$BRANCHNAME"
    if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then
        git rebase "$branch" "$2"
        git rebase "$branch"
    git push origin --force "$BRANCHNAME"

If you run that with rb master, it will pull down the latest master from origin, rebase your branch against it, and force push to your branch on origin. Run rb master -i and select "squash" to squash your commits down to one.

As a side effect of rebasing, you'll resolve any merge conflicts that have developed between the time you opened the pull request and the merge time! This can take the headache away from the person doing the merge, and help prevent mistakes.

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

One thought on “Stepping Up Your Pull Request Game

  1. James Cropcho

    Thanks for the food for thought, Kevin; pull request/commit message/branch structuring is something I think about and am mindful of.

    I do tend to treat the commits and messages as a descriptive play-by-play, and the PR description and branch name as the “map to the exit,” but I can see the advantages to the rebasey approach depending on how one reviews the “historical record” from some future point.



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