Go Concurrency for Javascript Developers

Often the best way to learn a new language is to implement something you know
with it. Let’s take a look at some common async Javascript patterns, and how
you’d implement them in Go.


You can certainly implement callbacks in Go! Functions are first class
citizens. Here we make a HTTP request and hit the callback with the response
body or an error.

func makeRequest(method string, url string, cb func(error, io.ReadCloser)) {
	req, _ := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil)
	resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		cb(err, nil)
	} else {
		cb(err, resp.Body)
func main() {
	makeRequest("GET", "http://ipinfo.io/json", func(err error, body io.ReadCloser) {
		defer body.Close()
		io.Copy(os.Stdout, body)

Go uses callbacks in the standard library in some places – time.AfterFunc,
http.HandlerFunc. Other places callbacks are mostly used to allow you to
specify what function or action you want to take, in interaction with a useful
piece of code – filepath.Walk, strings.LastIndexFunc, etc.

Most of the same problems with callbacks apply to Go as Javascript, namely, you
can forget to call a callback, or you can call it more than once. At least you
can’t try to callback that is undefined in Go, since the compiler will not
let you do this.

But callbacks aren’t idiomatic. Javascript needs callbacks because there’s
only a single thread of execution, processing every request on your server
sequentially. If you "wait"/"block" for something to finish (e.g. by calling
fs.readFileSync or any of the Sync methods, every other request on your
server has to wait until you’re done. I’m simplifying, but you have to have
callbacks in Javascript so everything else (other incoming HTTP requests, for
example) have a chance to run.

Go does not have this same limitation. A Javascript thread can only run on one
CPU; Go can use all of the CPU’s on your computer, so multiple threads can
do work at the same time, even if all of them are making "blocking" function
calls, like HTTP requests, database queries, or reading or writing files.

Furthermore, even if you only had one CPU, multiple Go threads would run
without having IO "block" the scheduler, even though methods like http.Get
have a synchronous interface. How does this work? Deep down in code like
net/fd_unix.go, the socket code calls syscall.Write, which (when you follow
it far enough) calls runtime.entersyscall, which signals to the scheduler
that it won’t have anything to do for a while
, and other work should

For that reason you probably don’t want to use callbacks for asynchronous code.

.then / .catch / .finally

This is the other common approach to async operations in Javascript.
Fortunately most API’s in Go are blocking, so you can just do one thing and
then the other thing. Say you want to execute the following async actions:

var changeEmail = function(userId, newEmail) {
    return checkEmailAgainstBlacklist(newEmail).then(function() {
        return getUser(userId);
    }).then(function(user) {
        user.email = newEmail;
        return user.save();
    }).catch(function(err) {
        throw err;

In Go, you’d just do each action in turn and wait for them to finish:

func changeEmail(userId string, newEmail string) (User, error) {
    err := checkEmailAgainstBlacklist(newEmail)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    user, err := getUser(userId)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    user.Email = newEmail
    return user.Save()

.finally is usually implemented with the defer keyword; you can at any time
defer code to run at the point the function terminates.

resp, err := http.Get("http://ipinfo.io/json")
// Note Close() will panic if err is non-nil, you still have to check err
defer resp.Body.Close()
io.Copy(os.Stdout, resp.Body)


Just ignore the error response, or handle it; there’s no real difference
between sync and async errors, besides calling panic, which your code
shouldn’t be doing.


Doing multiple things at once in Javascript is pretty easy with Promises.
Here we dispatch two database queries at once, and handle the results in one

var checkUserOwnsPickup = function(userId, pickupId) {
    return Promise.join(
    ).spread(function(user, pickup) {
        return pickup.userId === user.id;

Unfortunately doing this in Go is a little more complicated. Let’s start with
a slightly easier case – doing something where we don’t care about the result,
whether it errors or not. You can put each in a goroutine and they’ll execute
in the background.

func subscribeUser(user User) {
    go func() {
    go func() {

The easiest way to pass the results back is to declare the variables in the
outer scope and assign them in a goroutine.

func main() {
    var user models.User
    var userErr error
    var pickup models.Pickup
    var pickupErr error
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    go func() {
        user, userErr = getUser(userId)
    go func() {
        pickup, pickupErr = getPickup(pickupId)
    // Error checking omitted

More verbose than Promise.join, but the lack of generics primitives makes a
shorter solution tough. You can gain more control, and early terminate by using
channels, but it’s more verbose to do so.


Do the same as the Go version of Promise.join above, and then write a for
loop to loop over the resolved values. This might be a little trickier because
you need to specify the types of everything, and you can’t create arrays with
differing types. If you want a given concurrency value, there are some neat
code examples in this post on Pipelines.

Checking for races

One of the strengths of Go is the race detector, which detects whether
two threads can attempt to read/write the same variable in different orders
without synchronizing first. It’s slightly slower than normal, but I highly
encourage you to run your test suite with the race detector on. Here’s our
make target:

    go test -race ./... -timeout 2s

Once it found a defect in our code that turned out to be a standard library
! I highly recommend enabling the race detector.

The equivalent in Javascript would be code that varies the event loop each
callback runs in, and checks that you still get the same results.


I hope this helps! I wrote this to be the guide I wish I had when I was getting
started figuring out how to program concurrently in Go.

Thanks to Kyle Conroy, Alan Shreve, Chris
, @rf, and members of the #go-nuts IRC channel for
answering my silly questions.

Liked what you read? I am available for hire.

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