"Definitely. If you want to grow, make sure you're thinking "I don't know what the hell I'm doing" on a regular basis. When you're comfortable with everything you do, get new stuff to do or get a new job."
copy any website, haha
Places like Netflix and Amazon have demonstrated the great irony that computer algorithms can provide a more personalized and engaging customer experience than many physical stores.
Banks can't prove they actually own houses, homeowners are more and more asking banks to produce the documents. So they're halting foreclosures to review process for defects, but this isn't good for banks, homeowners, buyers, the economy. interesting throughout.
gays are not trying to "convert" straights, gays don't have more sexual partners, a large number of straight people have had homosexual experiences, large personality differences between gays and straights
Live concerts, TV licensing (commercials etc), online booming, record companies, not so much
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