l2 cache reference - 0.5 ns, main memory - 100 ns, compress 1k bytes - 10,000 ns, disk seek - 10,000,000 ns
amazing story. two guys from miami start bidding on arms contracts. arms dealers literally have no scruples, defense purchasing is a mess. among other gems, the US DOD was ok with supplying second-rate, knockoff equipment to the afghan/iraqi armies, not their own
The best signpost to the future I know is to follow whatever happens after the word "computational." For instance, to see where photography is going, follow the emerging field of computational photography.
common endings to NYT articles - "The apartment is really that small, and people really do live there, but somehow it just works for them." "The neighborhood's recent gentrification has not always been a smooth cultural and economic transition for longtime residents." hilarious
argument is that teenagers' brains are wired differently because they are so highly regulated by society (more restrictions than incarcerated felons, not sure how author justifies that but he does). "teenager" is an artificial distinction
good use of timing, engaging, cartoony interface, sense of mystery, other features
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