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The infinite bits problem; skills I’d like to build upon
The other day I made this list of things I'd like to learn more about (within the next year). I'm convinced that not focusing on one area has really hurt my impressiveness, so I need to cull this down and ruthlessly prioritize. The first priority at this moment is landing a kickass job, so that'll take precedence. I started by deleting RSS feeds not related to these areas. If you don't at least have a list of skills you'd like to improve upon you're probably spinning your wheels. I welcome comments.
Desired skills/areas of knowledge
Increasing Productivity
Better speaking
Reading faster
Management skills
Making people happy
Linear programming
Interview - Conducting and Responding
Programming (general)
Finance (options, bonds)
Reading faces
Prospect theory
"Finding alpha"-related theory (hurdle rate)
Asperger's Syndrome
Ways to increase or lower someone's status
Coaching/Leading people (basketball)
Consulting (knowledge)
Web Design
summer activities:
working at atlassian
explore green startup
speech coach
coaching AAU
consulting blog
reading 1 book a week
practicing game
Filming myself
omnifocus plugin/iphone app
toastmasters (?)
10 informational interviews
Weekly podcasts
next fall activities:
start-up business
Advice for a quarter stand
apply for jobs
the cmc forum (?)
complete classes
Robert Day coaching
practice interview club
good eating club
Create online course guide for CMC students
planned courses:
programming (practice for the ACM)
linear programming
next semester:
neuroscience (fulfill bio GE)
computer science
would you like my one suggestion to this list, brother? if you would, let me know.