Other Penn Blogs

Some blogs run by Penn students (or faculty): Martin Gordon's Blog - Miami Beach senior's blog. curiousgirl's playground - Jing Chen's senior blog. 3000 Miles of Virtual Insanity - Ravi Mishra's blog. He'd prefer you didn't read it, though. Cool New Web - Anton Bernstein's Wharton blog. Progressive Dispatches - Liberal Canadian perspective on Penn. The Un-Wharton - Stuart Stein's labor of love about Wharton. Akkam's Razor - Daily links from a Penn grad student. I don't know who writes this one but the pictures are cool. Jeff Weintraub - Social Science Professor's out-of-classroom takes. Metadatta - Sujit Datta's Physics blog. AlbertGate - Albert Sun's freshman blog. (Updated) I'm Not Even Hungry - Tim and Jim, two seniors, offer a critical take on Penn life. The Spin/The Buzz - Blogs from the Daily Pennsylvanian. The Sphinx - Plenty of name-checks of other Penn students, but not any with the author's name. Scents - Grad psych student (and a TA from my Psych 1 class last semester) writes here. Oikono - Wharton student working in China this summer. (more updates, thanks Albert Sun) Nat Turner Wharton junior/entrepreneur/Houston-based Cavs fan is starting a new company this summer. Sounds intriguing. Earning My Turns - Fernando Pereira, Computer Science department chair (and my professor next fall), sounds off. Werblog - Kevin Werbach is a professor of Legal Studies at Wharton, and writes here. Language Log - Mark Liberman, linguistics professor, and a few other bloggers play language police. This site kills all of ours in terms of popularity. Mr. Swyx - Singapore freshman's technology blog. The Appletonian - Justin Sykes W '08, from Appleton, Wisconsin, with conservative/personal opinion And on the fringe (either not quite blogs, or not quite Penn students): lost the reflex to resist - Really, you should come here. It's not as bad as you're making out. Overheard At College (UPenn Chapter) Penn Press Log Leighcia (.) - Former Penn student wondering if finance consulting is the way to go. Caveat Lector If you know any more, or blog at Penn and aren't listed here, or want to change your description, let me know in the comments. We should unionize. And yes, you are all in my feed reader. Listening To: "Here I Come" by The Roots, ft. Dice Raw & Malik B.

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15 thoughts on “Other Penn Blogs

  1. Pingback: A burgeoning UPENN blogosphere? | Akkam's Razor

  2. David Smith

    another UPENN blog

    this blog is maintained by David S. Smith, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor


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