How to submit better pull requests

Kevin Burke

What I'm not talking about

Caveat emptor

How many errors are there to be found?

Probably around 1-25 per 1000 lines of code

What kinds of errors?

How many can we expect to find?

If you do it well: 70%

If you do it poorly: 20%

Effectiveness of different bug-finding tools

How are errors distributed?

In general, 80% of the errors come from 20% of the code.
Also, 50% of errors from 5% of the code

Case study at IBM: 31 of 425 classes found to be error-prone. After repair/refactoring, defects reported by customers were reduced by 1000%

Pull request length


Longer pull requests take longer to get reviewed/merged (why?)

How quickly can you do code review?

Estimates: 500 lines/hour for "application" code
125 lines/hour for "system" code
Attention span/effectiveness drops after 2 hours of review
Start at 200 lines/hour


Kevin Track

Spreadsheet with errors

Git pre-commit hooks

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Kevin Burke


These slides are available at:

