All Posts
June 2011
Tools I use to get the job done
June 2011
Energy policy isn’t about helping the environment
June 2011
Bob Geren and effective management
June 2011
Everything you need to know about personal finance
June 2011
CMC’s Website Redesign: the good, the bad and the ugly
June 2011
Vaccinate your children
May 2011
No, I won’t be friends with you on Facebook
May 2011
Test if your server is up, using Ruby
May 2011
Advice from freshman year
May 2011
How to find a Pearson’s correlation and ordinary least squares in Python
April 2011
Presentation on JIT compilers (and the unfortunate sex life of the banana)
April 2011
April 2011
For the college introvert
March 2011
Gary Vaynerchuk
March 2011
What I’ve learned, past month or so, part 2
March 2011
What I’ve learned last month or so, part 1
March 2011
The Apartment
March 2011
High Noon
March 2011
Email etiquette
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