Posts Tagged With: Social Commentary

Please, Put More Personal Information On The Internets

Google Maps today released a feature called "My Maps," where you can personalize Google Maps and add your favorite places to the map. This is pretty cool, except when you realize how easy we are making things for stalkers. That said, I can't wait for my favorite young, nubile, innocent female friends to place the location of their house on the Internet for everyone to see.

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How to Be A Successful Freshman at Penn

The Quad If your friends are all wearing City Sports t-shirts, buy a City Sports t-shirt. You are, as a freshman and right out of high school, most likely a stranger in a strange land, and it won't hurt to blend in as much as possible. If you are planning on joining a fraternity, start investing in Ralph Lauren. Get a fake ID. Get a good quality one that scans and blacklights, which will set you back around $120. You will need it to get into the clubs and bars around Philadelphia. Keep your room clean. If you can, stack your beds. It's hard to socialize in a small room. Buy alcohol. You will be popular with your friends if you can supply alcohol to them. You will always be able to do schoolwork. Go out. Be generous with your money. If you have money (and if you go to Penn, I am guessing you do). Smile. Nobody likes a grouch. Enter your room with a purpose: Use your room to change clothes, to pick up or drop off schoolbooks, to sleep, to drink with your friends, and to hook up with sloppy drunk chicks. You will not be social in your room. Get off your damn computer. If I had a nickel for every hour I spent checking Facebook, or walking by people's dorms seeing them staring at their computers, I would be rich enough to donate a building. Don't eat alone. Going down to the dining hall and trying to find people doesn't count. Meals are a great time to catch up with people that you don't see every day. Make your habits social habits. If you really like playing basketball, find friends to play basketball with. Reading and playing online poker are nice habits but you will not make friends doing them. Then again, I write a blog and have Google Reader as my homepage.

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Capping the 2008 Presidential Election

I'm selling Rudy Giuliani. No way he stays the frontrunner for Republicans through the whole election. As a matter of fact, I'm selling everyone this week but Dennis Kucinich, who deserves points for having absolutely no chance and sticking around anyway. It's March 2007; the election is November 2008. I am a freshman now and will be a junior by the time the election takes place. In the meantime I expect lots of gaffes, empty promises, and soul-selling. The winner will be battered to pieces by the end of this process. As we scrutinize our candidates more closely than we ever have, we will realize that they are not likeable. Or perfect. I will put early bets on Barack Obama mainly because he is the best looking candidate in the field. Mitt Romney would be close except that he's a Mormon. In Massachusetts this can be overlooked but not in the country. Especially as he comes under national scrutiny. I wish we could divide up the presidential position into two positions: an economic leader and a social leader. That way voters could combine fiscal conservativism with social progressivism. I only have one vote to say yes or no to all of a candidate's views. I especially dislike the idea of voting for America's leader based on how he feels about abortion. Abortion and gay marriage are important issues but I don't know how suited they are for address by the President.

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Election 2008

Are any of the presidential candidates committed to reducing the size of government? We have Democrats, who enjoy increasing the size of government, and we have Republicans, who enjoy talking about limited government and "starve-the-beast," but who have presided over bigger budget increases than Bill Clinton. All we need are more promises to make government bigger.

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Middlebury College recently made headlines for banning the use of Wikipedia as a citation for a paper. I don't understand why this is even headline-worthy. There is no way you can cite Wikipedia, as this article should make clear. If I was grading papers and someone cited Wikipedia, I would laugh and then give it an F. Even better, if I was the professor I'd assign an essay on a topic, then go to the Wikipedia article and plant deliberate misinformation.

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