All Posts
August 2015
Logging Database Queries in CircleCI
May 2015
Fixing Engineering’s Loyalty and Longevity Problem
April 2015
Node’s `require` is dog slow
April 2015
Beware tech companies who tell you they don’t negotiate
December 2014
“Invalid Username or Password”: a useless security measure
November 2014
Profiling ZSH startup time
September 2014
Ready Player One and a Dystopian View of Future Oil Prices
August 2014
Hacking Roller Coaster Tycoon with Genetic Algorithms
July 2014
Use a VPN
July 2014
Nix: caveat emptor
July 2014
July 2014
Storing Photos for the Long Term
July 2014
Figure out when long-running jobs finish, without stopping them
June 2014
Easy maintenance of your AUTHORS file
April 2014
The SSL library ecosystem needs diversity
April 2014
Source code stolen from
April 2014
Go to Hong Kong Disneyland
March 2014
A look at the new retry behavior in urllib3
December 2013
How to create rich links in your Sphinx documentation
October 2013
New blog post about HAProxy
August 2013
Automating your IPython Notebook Setup (and getting launchctl to work)
August 2013
Speeding up test runs by 81% and 13 minutes
June 2013
Eliminating more trivial inconveniences
February 2013
Submit forms using Javascript without breaking the Internet, a short guide
February 2013
Helping Beginners Get HTML Right
February 2013
Designing a better shower faucet
January 2013
How to design your API SDK
November 2012
How to talk to recruiters at a career fair
September 2012
Companies Respond To Incentives, Too
September 2012
How one of the all time great magicians thinks about experiences
September 2012
Virgin Mobile fails web security 101, leaves six million subscriber accounts wide open
September 2012
Reddit’s database has two tables
September 2012
Bash user? Try Zsh, the more usable terminal shell
July 2012
Why I’m not switching my bank to Simple
June 2012
Why we’ll never shut down our API
June 2012
Sentences to consider
May 2012
What will happen to house prices in the Bay Area after the Facebook IPO?
May 2012
Virtualenv is an anti-pattern (for beginners)
May 2012
#1 on HN for Six Hours: Postmortem
May 2012
“The best recommendations have a lot of verbs”
May 2012
How not to ask questions at a conference
April 2012
How to use EC2 as a web proxy
April 2012
Stop hurting my browser
March 2012
Better to prevent mistakes than to fix them quickly
March 2012
How beginning programmers should read a quickstart guide
February 2012
CMC’s website shows vast improvements
February 2012
The consulting blog post series
February 2012
There’s hope for consulting
February 2012
Consulting Links
February 2012
Why do companies hire consultants?
February 2012
What’s the downside to hiring a consulting firm?
February 2012
Why firms don’t experiment – they want to hire consultants!
February 2012
Should you invest in the world’s poor, Iraq, or in your heating closet? Three new consulting reports
February 2012
Save the planet, increase workforce satisfaction, increase productivity by hiring better managers
February 2012
Is it true that to do the best work, you need to hire the best people?
February 2012
Getting things done on a terrible Internet connection – the canonical guide
February 2012
Why consulting?
February 2012
If you want to be a consultant, what skills should you learn?
February 2012
A disastrous tale from a young BCG consultant
February 2012
The evidence for evidence-based management
January 2012
Don’t skimp on documentation
January 2012
Can you skip work tomorrow?
January 2012
So, you’re visiting Silicon Valley’s biggest companies next week
January 2012
Why I quit Facebook
December 2011
Ten tips to help you stop worrying about shit that doesn’t matter
October 2011
Why code review beats testing: evidence from decades of programming research
September 2011
Chrome extension to drop jQuery into any site
September 2011
How to orient your credit card
September 2011
Tips for designing your personal site
September 2011
What you learn from fixing 5 years worth of broken links
August 2011
How long does it take for shuffled poker chips to return to their original state?
August 2011
Your company needs a URL shortener
July 2011
How to import a CSV file to Google Calendar
July 2011
Markdown.css: help make the Web prettier
June 2011
Taking pride in the things you do
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